Location: London, United Kingdom

Friday, October 10, 2008

Heroes no more

Something happened ten minutes into the second episode of the third series, sorry volume, of Heroes. I stopped watching. Turned it off. Gave up.

Bailing out on a TV show is unusual for me, I normally stick it out until the bitter end, but time ran out for Heroes this week.

Why did I give it up. Here are the reasons.

1. Season two was dire. I needed a lot of good reasons to watch season 3, I can't find them
2. Characters die, characters come back. Characters die, characters come back. Enough
3. The really interesting people like Matt Parkman and Nikki have been marginalised. In fact the latter now seems to be somebody else entirely.
4. Too many characters. I reckon there are now 18 regular characters. You can't justify that in a 42 minute show.
5. The first series Save The Cheerleader, Save the world, got that. Since then they since to be making it up as they go along.
6. There are, wait for it, TWENTY SIX episodes this season. I don't think so.
7. When you watched the pilot of Fringe, you knew they knew where it was going. I don't think anyone knows where Heroes is going, the audience, Tim Kring, the cast, NBC, anybody.
and finally, number 8 the ratings. Down to an all time low in its first week in the US, down even further in week 2. Not just me then.
Goodbye Heroes, you saved the cheerleader, saved the world but I'll have my Wednesday nights back now


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